By The Union of Concerned Scientists — 2012
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A group of the world’s top ecologists have issued a stark warning about the snowballing crisis caused by climate change, population growth, and unchecked development. Their assessment is grim, but big-picture societal changes on a global scale can still avert a disastrous future.
More extreme weather is happening more often, and we are its cause.
Interest in vegan food has been booming across the rich world. A major study has put the diet to the test—analyzing an imagined scenario in which the world goes vegan by 2050. If everybody went vegan by 2050 we estimated that food-related greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by 3/4.
David Attenborough takes a stark look at the facts surrounding climate change in today's world, detailing the dangers we are already having to deal with and future threats, but also the possibilities for prevention and radical political, social and cultural change.
What stops us from changing? Join social impact entrepreneur Alessandro Armillotta in his journey from fashion to a value-driven and less impactful life, a story of eye-opening moments that helped him understand the importance of living in balance with nature.
13 Indigenous women elders, shamans and medicine women from around the world, have been called together to share their sacred wisdom and practices.
At an early stage in her 34-year-old company, Fisher said she and her co-workers grew alarmed at the environmental toll of clothing manufacturing — from depleted farm fields to dye pollution in rivers.
According to historian Jared Diamond, we currently have four global crises to address: the ongoing threat of nuclear attacks, climate change, running out of resources, and socioeconomic inequality.