By The Union of Concerned Scientists — 2012
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What is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path...
Scott Russell Sanders shows how imagination, linked to compassion, can help us solve the urgent ecological and social challenges we face.
Eco-philosopher and best-selling author Joanna Macy, Ph.D., shares five stories from her more than thirty years of studying and practicing Buddhism and deep ecology.
All the Marvelous Earth is an anthology of Krishnamurtis writings on our relationship with each other and with the environment. In this wonderful book he points to a different way of living that is seldom, if ever, explored in traditional approaches to environmental issues.
In Good Citizens, Thich Nhat Hanh lays out the foundation for an international solidarity movement based on a shared sense of compassion, mindful consumption, and right action. Following these principles, he believes, is the path to world peace.
A Landmark Message from Dalai Lama: Are we ready to hear it? Are we ready to act? “I call on you to confront the challenges of our era by rising up and embarking upon a revolution that has no precedent in human history.