I have learned about life that when we live wholly, we live holy. I have been searching for ways to live my life as a whole person, as an integrated being, for twenty-five years. The first thing I came to understand was that, if I am to live an integrated life, I must become far more integrated with my environment. That is, I must become one with it, and treat it as if it were a part of me, not something from which I was separate, and which was separate from me.
Holistic living means being aware that I am part of a whole system, a whole idea, a whole reality, and that everything I think, say, and do affects that reality indeed, at some level, creates it.
Are we able to coexist with nature, the universe, and our fellow human beings? Can we live lives that are joyous, harmonious, and largely pain-free? Do we have the ability to tell the truth and change what doesn't work?
Neale Donald Walsch thinks so. Living well--physically, mentally, and spiritually is within our grasp, should we choose to do so. Here are some practical and inspirational ideas for achieving those goals.