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How to Have a Kid and a Life: A Survival Guide

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By Ericka Sóuter — 2021

Continue to have and grow your life, Mom―for your sake and your kids’. When did being a good mom come to mean giving up everything that used to make you … you? That’s the question millions of 21st-century mothers grapple with every single day as they parent in our madly kid-centric culture. See more...

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Overcoming Toxic Emotions: A Practical Guide to Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others

The desire to love and be loved and feel valued is universal. Seems easy enough, but for most people it is a constant, and often silent, struggle. Toxic emotions such as fear, resentment, guilt, and shame drain your energy, deflate the spirit, and make you feel stuck.

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The Behavior Code: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Teaching the Most Challenging Students

The Behavior Code unlocks a wealth of proven practices to help teachers, counselors, and parents identify the messages underlying challenging student behaviors and respond in supportive ways.

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Military Mental Health Care: A Guide for Service Members, Veterans, Families, and Community (Military Life)

Too often American veterans return from combat and spiral into depression, anger and loneliness they can neither share nor tackle on their own.

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Time Off: A Practical Guide to Building Your Rest Ethic and Finding Success Without the Stress

Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.

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Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive

Working mothers constantly battle the pull to do all the things well. From managing work and home responsibilities to being impacted by a lack of self-care and time for deep friendships, the struggle is real. At the end of each day, many working moms are exhausted and stretched too thin.

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The Buddha Walks into the Office: A Guide to Livelihood for a New Generation

Does it ever seem that a lot of the people you work with are, well, jerks? This book is about how not to let work turn you into one of them.

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The Self-Care Solution: A Modern Mother’s Must-Have Guide to Health and Well-Being

Combining the thoughtful and expert narrative of a veteran mom of four children with the voices of hundreds of moms she surveyed, The Self-Care Solution offers insightful answers to poignant questions about how mothers take care of themselves, their relationships, and their jobs while raising their...

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Chicken Soup for the Mother & Daughter Soul: Stories to Warm the Heart and Honor the Relationship

The relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most profound bonds in life. A mother feels her daughter's first kick during pregnancy, labors to bring her daughter into the world and watches as she takes her first breath of life.

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Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work

The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.

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The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong Joy

Here, at last, is a book brimming with the good news of raising children—the basic reassuring news about happiness and unconditional love, about enduring family connections and kids who grow up right. Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.

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