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Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

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By James Nestor — 2020

No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly. There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. See more...

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To Touch Enlightenment with the Body

Like many Westerners, I always assumed that meditation was a “spiritual” phenomenon, which I took to mean that it somehow had to do with realms beyond the physical.

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Start with Your Body

A panel discussion with Phillip Moffitt, Cyndi Lee, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Reggie Ray. Introduction by Anne Carolyn Klein.

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Meditating with the Body: A Course in Somatic Practices to Unlock Your Journey

A montage of interviews with Meditating with the Body(R) founder, Reginald A. Ray, teachers Tami Simon and David Iozzi; and participants in a meditation retreat. Filmed during retreat at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, where the course retreats are held.

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Reginald A. Ray, PhD - Developing a Sense of Inner Peace

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