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Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

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By James Nestor — 2020

No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly. There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. See more...

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Essential Pranayama: Breathing Techniques for Balance, Healing, and Peace

Increase energy, relieve stress, find balance―yogic breathing for every level Pranayama, translated as the extension of one’s life force, can help you improve focus, relieve stress, and deepen your yoga practice―simply through breathing.

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Breathwork Detox: How to Thrive in the Age of Anxiety

Breathwork is the new yoga; it's meditation for people who don't like to meditate, the overthinkers and impatient ones who don't want to wait for results.

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Break Through with Breathwork: Jump-Starting Personal Growth in Counseling and the Healing Arts

When working with trauma and chronic health issues, it can often seem like the healing process gets stuck or is producing only minimal progress.

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Exhale: 40 Breathwork Exercises to Help You Find Your Calm, Supercharge Your Health, and Perform at Your Best

More than forty simple breathing exercises to help you transform your physical and mental health and improve performance and emotional well-being. We take between seventeen to twenty-nine thousand breaths per day.

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The Joy of Movement: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage

Exercise is health-enhancing and life-extending, yet many of us feel it's a chore. But, as Kelly McGonigal reveals, it doesn't have to be. Movement can and should be a source of joy.

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Dance of the Ancient One: How the Universe Solves Personal and World Problems

In his latest book, Mindell expands on his earlier concept of the processmind as he develops the notion of space–time dreaming or “dance of the ancient one” in his rigorous efforts toward the elucidation of a ToE (or theory of everything).

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Dreambody: The Body’s Role in Revealing the Self

Dreambody is the foundational introduction to process oriented psychology, by its founder Arnold Mindell, an MIT Physicist and Jungian Analyst. The Dreambody bridges the gaps between depth psychology, somatic psychology, spirituality, and energy-based mind-body practices.

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Science of Breath

Much of the Western world was completely unaware of the profound impact of the breath on the body and mind until the 1970's.

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Body, Spirit, and Democracy

Body, Spirit and Democracy addresses how can we, of different ethical values, spiritual commitments, and ethnic backgrounds, work together to create a more humane world.

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Diverse Bodies, Diverse Practices: Toward an Inclusive Somatics

The notion of “body” that underlies most available writings about somatic theories and practices often assumes a universal normality of structure and function that has now come into question.

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