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The Call: Discovering Why You Are Here

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By Oriah Mountain Dreamer — 2006

The final book in Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s bestselling trilogy opens us to finding and consciously living the meaning and purpose―the unique calling―at the center of our lives In The Invitation, visionary writer and teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer wrote about what we long for. See more...

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The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions

A thrilling scientific detective story, The Balance Within tells how researchers finally uncovered the elusive mind-body connection and what it means for our health.

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When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection

Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between inhibited emotion and Alzheimer's disease? Is there a “cancer personality”? Questions such as these are emerging as scientific findings throw new light on the controversy that surrounds the mind-body connection in illness...

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The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can't Be Computed (The MIT Press)

In The Feeling of Life Itself, Christof Koch offers a straightforward definition of consciousness as any subjective experience, from the most mundane to the most exalted—the feeling of being alive. Koch argues that programmable computers will not have consciousness.

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Love, Medicine and Miracles: Lessons Learned about Self-Healing from a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients

Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals. Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day - patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to work with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery.

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The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders

The Divided Mind is the crowning achievement of Dr. John E. Sarno's distinguished career as a groundbreaking medical pioneer, going beyond pain to address the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mindbody) disorders.

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Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection

Dr. John E. Sarno's groundbreaking research on TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome) reveals how stress and other psychological factors can cause back pain-and how you can be pain free without drugs, exercise, or surgery. Dr.

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A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work, Retirement, and Success

Happiness in life is about more than what’s in your bank account or stock portfolio. Success is more than achieving power and respect. Each one of us has a responsibility for changing the world in a positive, significant, and enduring way—and the challenge is less daunting than you might think.

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Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain

Expressing painful emotions is hard--yet it can actually improve our mental and physical health. This lucid, compassionate book has introduced tens of thousands of readers to expressive writing, a simple yet powerful self-help technique grounded in scientific research. Leading experts James W.

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Bodyfulness: Somatic Practices for Presence, Empowerment, and Waking Up in This Life

In Bodyfulness, renowned somatic counselor Christine Caldwell offers a practical guide for living an embodied contemplative life, embracing whatever body we are in.

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Getting in Touch: The Guide to New Body-Centered Therapies

More and more people are turning to new mind-body therapies to address physical and emotional ills.

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Finding Meaning