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Kundalini & the Chakras: Evolution in this Lifetime

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By Genevieve L. Paulson — 2002

We all possess the powerful life force of Kundalini that can open us to genius states, psychic powers, and cosmic consciousness. For over ten years, this trusted guide has been teaching people how to safely and effectively use this potent natural energy for spiritual development. See more...

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Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health

Spontaneous remission, the placebo effect, and energy healing―these phenomena have baffled the medical community for decades. What do all these marvels tell us? “Our current models of medicine fall short of understanding the depths of our human healing potential,” says Dr. Shamini Jain.

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Science of Yoga: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice

Perfect for yogis of all levels, this reference book is an in-depth look at your physiology to help you understand how yoga works, and how to practice it safely for the best results. Find out how the spine, breathing and body position are all fundamentally linked.

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One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life

Yoga was created as a science for liberation, but in modern times it is used by many to improve physical and mental health, helping us become more productive at work, more caring in relationships, more responsible contributors to society, and better inhabitants of this planet.

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Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness

For thousands of years, yoga has offered what Western therapists seek to provide today: a way to achieve the total health of body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

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Yoga of the Subtle Body: A Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Yoga

If you spend considerable time doing yoga, you begin to see that it is about much more than just the body—the practice of yoga in fact reveals that the body is in no way separate from the psYchospiritual forces that animate it.

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Spiritual Healing: A Practical Guide to Hands-On Healing

The authors present 30 exercises based on the human body's natural energy fields. The various techniques explained in this book are specifically intended to alleviate physical pain, heal many ailments, and bring comfort to the terminally ill.

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Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance

Focusing on the wealth of information emerging in the area of energy medicine, this unique resource explores mechanisms by which mind and body processes influence the body's healing and performance potential.

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Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis

This book, written by a well-known scientist with a background in biophysics and biology brings together evidence from a range of disciplines to provide an explanation for the energetic exchanges that take place in all therapies.

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Charge and the Energy Body: The Vital Key to Healing Your Life, Your Chakras, and Your Relationships

We all know what it’s like to have a “charge” about something. It’s a feeling of excitement, fear, sexual arousal, or irritation. But what we don’t currently know is how to use charge for the behaviors we want to create. Charge is a word for the basic life force running through us.

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Yoga for Pain Relief: Simple Practices to Calm Your Mind and Heal Your Chronic Pain

It's no secret that yoga increases muscular flexibility and strength, but you may not know that yoga is a proven treatment for back pain, knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other chronic pain conditions.

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