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Mastering Life’s Energies: Simple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and Play

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By Maria Nemeth — 2007

Everyone has had luminous moments in their lives. It's the "a-ha" moment when one experiences the beauty and grace of life, whether it be when looking into the eyes of a newborn child or watching the sun set over the ocean. But those moments are usually too brief. See more...

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No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth

A simple yet comprehensive guide to the types of psychologies and therapies available from Eastern and Western sources. Each chapter includes a specific exercise designed to help the reader understand the nature and practice of the specific therapies.

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The Alchemy of Freedom: The Philosophers’ Stone and the Secrets of Existence

Well-known spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas uses the metaphor of the mysterious philosophers’ stone to discuss a tremendous liberating power that leads to endless enlightenment.

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The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential

We are all born with a level of consciousness, an energetic frequency within the vast field of consciousness. And with The Map of Consciousness, we can truly understand the total spectrum of human consciousness. Using a unique muscle-testing method, Dr. David R.

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The Only Dance There Is: Talks at the Menninger Foundation, 1970, and Spring Grove Hospital, 1972

This book is based on talks by Ram Dass at the Menninger Foundation in 1970 and at the Spring Grove Hospital in Maryland in 1972. The text grew out of the interaction between Ram Dass and the spiritual seekers in attendance at these talks.

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