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Mastering Life’s Energies: Simple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and Play

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By Maria Nemeth — 2007

Everyone has had luminous moments in their lives. It's the "a-ha" moment when one experiences the beauty and grace of life, whether it be when looking into the eyes of a newborn child or watching the sun set over the ocean. But those moments are usually too brief. See more...

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As a Man Thinketh (the Complete Original Edition) and Mastery of Destiny

Originally published in 1903, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh reveals the fundamental truth of human nature: “A man is literally what he thinks.” Allen’s deceptively simple principle has changed the lives of millions of readers, making As a Man Thinketh a classic bestseller for decades.

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Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming that Sabotages Your Life

In his book, J.F. Benoist—a visionary thought leader in the fields of addiction treatment and personal development—uses the journeys of two relatable characters to teach you how to develop a powerful new mindset and finally break the pattern of negative self-talk.

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Stop Saying You’re Fine: The No-BS Guide to Getting What You Want

Mel Robbins has spent her career teaching people how to push past their self-imposed limits to get what they truly desire.

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Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health.

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