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Mastering Life’s Energies: Simple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and Play

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By Maria Nemeth — 2007

Everyone has had luminous moments in their lives. It's the "a-ha" moment when one experiences the beauty and grace of life, whether it be when looking into the eyes of a newborn child or watching the sun set over the ocean. But those moments are usually too brief. See more...

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The Secret to Self-Development and Changing Your Life | Motivational Video

In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageStay a verb—don’t become a noun.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLife’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep. The only way to do this is to open, be curious, and develop some sense of sympathy for everything that comes along, to get to know its nature and let it teach you what it will.

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Jeff Foster - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Jeff Foster graduated in Astrophysics from Cambridge University in 2001. Several years after graduation, following a period of severe depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of 'spiritual enlightenment', and embarked on an intensive spiritual search which lasted for several years.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe inner revolution will not be televised or sold on the Internet. It must take place within one’s own mind and heart.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAwakening is not a thing. It is not a goal, not a concept. It is not something to be attained. It is a metamorphosis.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageDetachment means letting go and nonattachment means simply letting be.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIt may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for a bird to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

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The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing.

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Andrew Solomon: How the Worst Moments in Our Lives Make Us Who We Are

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of struggle, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since.

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