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The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads: Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask

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By Eric Rosswood — 2017

If You are Thinking of Becoming a Gay Dad, or if You are Already a Gay Dad ─ This Book is for You! Are you ready to have kids? More and more gay men are turning to adoption and surrogacy to start their own families. See more...

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Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency: A Comprehensive Guide to Promoting Understanding and Healing In Adoption, Foster Care, Kinship Families and Third Party Reproduction

Based on a hugely successful US model, the Seven Core Issues in Adoption is the first conceptual framework of its kind to offer a unifying lens that was inclusive of all individuals touched by the adoption experience.

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When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is: A Conversation About Life Between Grandfather and Grandson

Go on a journey of wonder and grace with NY Times bestselling author Bernie Siegel, MD and his grandson, Charlie Siegel.

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Frumpy Middle-Aged Mom: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Motherhood

Never mind the Real Housewives of Orange County―Marla Jo Fisher is the woman everyone can relate to, complete with bad parenting, rotten dogs, ill health, and fashion faux pas.

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Raised by Unicorns: Stories from People with LGBTQ+ Parents

In recent years, the world has been saturated by endless blogs, articles, and books devoted to the subject of LGBTQ+ parenting. On the flip side, finding stories written by the children of LGBTQ+ parents is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.

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Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages and Becoming Stepfamily Smart

Blended families face unique challenges, and sadly, good intentions aren’t always enough. With so many complex relationships involved, all the normal rules for family life change, even how you apply something as simple as the five love languages.

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Lesbian and Gay Foster Care and Adoption (Second Edition)

Featuring a spectrum of families from diverse backgrounds, this book reveals the joys and challenges of adoptive and foster parenting.

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The Open Adoption Experience: A Complete Guide for Adoptive and Birth Families

Two leading experts provide an authoritative and reassuring guide to the issues and concerns of adoptive and birth families through all stages of the open adoption relationship.

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The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family

The adoption of a child is always a joyous moment in the life of a family. Some adoptions, though, present unique challenges. Welcoming these children into your family--and addressing their special needs--requires care, consideration, and compassion.

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Inside Transracial Adoption

Is transracial adoption a positive choice for kids? How can children gain their new families without losing their birth heritage? How can parents best support their children after placement? Transracial adoption is a lifelong journey, complex and challenging.

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Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew

“Birthdays may be difficult for me.” “I want you to take the initiative in opening conversations about my birth family.” “When I act out my fears in obnoxious ways, please hang in there with me.” “I am afraid you will abandon me.

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