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Not “Just Friends”: Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity

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By Shirley P. Glass, Jean Coppock Staeheli — 2004

You’re right to be cautious when you hear these words, “I’m telling you, we’re just friends.” Good people in good marriages are having affairs. The workplace and the Internet have become fertile breeding grounds for “friendships” that can slowly and insidiously turn into love affairs. See more...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageSpiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.

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The Real Problem with Sexual Withholding in a Marriage

The problem with sexual withholding in a marriage has far less to do with actually having or not having sex and much more to do with misunderstanding.

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Withholding: A Personal Story

Are you sometimes aware of holding yourself back from being fully engaged in the experience of the moment? Do you find yourself avoiding activities that bring you pleasure or friends you enjoy spending time with?

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How Withholding Can Lead to Divorce

Withholding, what is it? Well it is a defined as an emotionally abusive behavior or tactic, a form of denying, refusing to communicate or do something for your partner as a punishment.

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“Withholders” vs. “Conceders”: A Damaging Conflict Pattern

Relationship dances between these two types can become very complicated.

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Why We Go Cold on Our Partners

Going cold on our partners is often a sign not that we have stopped caring, but that we are - somewhere deep down - furious or hurt

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Who Initiates Sex and Why It Matters So Much

The issue of who shows an interest in having a physical relationship in a couple might be mistaken for rather trivial; after all, what counts is that it happens, not that one or the other party initiates.

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The Love Avoidance Cycle: The Pattern of Avoiding Intimacy and Emotional Unavailability.

Dr. Kate discusses how someone in a love addiction cycle generally pairs up with someone in a love avoidance cycle, because their needs are similar but opposite in terms of how they're expressed. Someone in a love avoidance cycle typically enters a relationship under a feeling of obligation or duty.

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The Avoidant Partner: How to Respond When Your Partner Is Evasive

Healthy relationships are built upon skills emphasizing connection and affirmation. Sometimes, though, a partner may be reluctant to connect, becoming avoidant. This can be especially common when conflicts arise.

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Avoidant and Anxious Relationship Struggles: How to Spot the Trap

Now, the point I really want to make today, is that you don’t need to have experienced significant trauma, or attachment disruptions in your past, to slip into experiencing anxiety or avoidance as a go to coping skill for stress in a romantic situation.

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