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Not “Just Friends”: Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity

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By Shirley P. Glass, Jean Coppock Staeheli — 2004

You’re right to be cautious when you hear these words, “I’m telling you, we’re just friends.” Good people in good marriages are having affairs. The workplace and the Internet have become fertile breeding grounds for “friendships” that can slowly and insidiously turn into love affairs. See more...

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Redefined - Jean Oelwang

Jean Oelwang, president and CEO of Virgin Unite, spent fifteen years interviewing sixty-five prominent pairs, including Ben and Jerry, Leah and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Rosalynn and President Jimmy Carter.

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John Bradshaw on Moral Intelligence Living Smart With Patricia Gras

Author, counselor, theologian and lecturer John Bradshaw discusses his newest book, Reclaiming Virtue, the definition of virtue and how to live life with moral intelligence.

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Emotion Coaching: Helping Kids Cope with Negative Feelings

Emotion coaching is the practice of talking with children about their feelings, and offering kids strategies for coping with emotionally difficult situations. The goal is to empathize, reassure, and teach. Does it make a difference? Yes.

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