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Words Are Working Wonders—Talking with Heart and Mind: A Buddhist Perspective on Communication

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By Sylvia Wetzel, Jonathan Akasaraja Bruton (translator) — 2015

Words will work wonders if we are speaking with both heart and mind. By heart I mean a deep feeling of connection with everything and everyone and by mind a clear view of our strengths and weaknesses, the differences between us, and an ability to recognize our own limits. See more...

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Continuing Thay’s Teachings

Meet eight of Thich Nhat Hanh’s students who are now teachers themselves. In their own unique ways, they’re helping to carry his dharma into the future.

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The Miracle of Everyday Mindfulness

When the body and mind are together, we can establish ourselves in the here and now and get in touch with life and all of its wonders.

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Thich Nhat Hanh on Compassionate Listening | Super Soul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh says listening can help end the suffering of an individual, put an end to war and change the world for the better. Watch as he explains how to practice compassionate listening.

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