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Words Are Working Wonders—Talking with Heart and Mind: A Buddhist Perspective on Communication

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By Sylvia Wetzel, Jonathan Akasaraja Bruton (translator) — 2015

Words will work wonders if we are speaking with both heart and mind. By heart I mean a deep feeling of connection with everything and everyone and by mind a clear view of our strengths and weaknesses, the differences between us, and an ability to recognize our own limits. See more...

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Debunking Relationship Myths: An Interview with John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman

In all kinds of relationships, people have conflict and disagreements and hurt one another's feelings. What determines the success of the relationship is the way people deal with conflict, the nature of their friendship and intimacy, and their shared meaning system.

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Making Relationships Work

Unless you’re a hermit, you can’t avoid relationships. And your professional career certainly won’t go anywhere if you don’t know how to build strong, positive connections. Leaders need to connect deeply with followers if they hope to engage and inspire them.

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The Mathematics of Marriage: Predicting Divorce (John Gottman)

University of Washington professor of psychology Dr. John Gottman can tell if a marriage is doomed. After 14 years of studying 650 couples with the aid of videotape and sensors, Gottman needs only a half hour with a couple to predict with 90 percent accuracy whether they will stay married.

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The Easiest Way to Improve Your Relationship | The Gottman Institute

The easiest way to improve your relationship is to pay attention to your partner during life’s small, everyday moments. This video shows you how.

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