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Einstein’s God: Conversations About Science and the Human Spirit

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By Krista Tippett — 2010

Albert Einstein did not believe in a personal God. And his famous quip that "God does not play dice with the universe" was a statement about quantum physics, not a statement of faith. See more...

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J. Krishnamurti in Conversation with David Bohm: Is There an Action Not Touched by Thought?

Q: What is the future of man? All the problems that humanity has now, psychologically and in other ways, are the result of thought. We are pursuing the same pattern of thought, and thought will never solve any of these problems. The whole structure of the me is put together by thought.

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Science Can Answer Moral Questions

Questions of good and evil, right and wrong are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But Sam Harris argues that science can—and should—be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values and setting out what constitutes a good life.

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Robert Thurman- Buddhist Contributions to Physics, Biology, and Psychology

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‘Default Mode Network’ Is Suppressed by Meditation Practice | Roland Griffiths

It is Dr. Patrick’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach.

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Roland Griffiths Compares Psilocybin and Meditation fMRI

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Day 1 a.m.—Mind and Life XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter

Morning session of the first day of the Mind and Life XXVI conference from Drepung Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India, held on January 17–22, 2013.

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Charles Tart - What Is an Afterlife?

What does it mean to have an 'afterlife'? Are there different kinds of afterlives? What would it feel like to be in an afterlife?

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Meditation and the Science of Human Flourishing Workshop—Part 2

Can we cultivate well-being in the same way that we can train our bodies to be healthier and more resilient? If so, how might we use the practice of meditation to experience equanimity, to open our hearts fully to others, and to cultivate insight and wisdom? In this workshop, two world-renowned...

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