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Einstein’s God: Conversations About Science and the Human Spirit

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By Krista Tippett — 2010

Albert Einstein did not believe in a personal God. And his famous quip that "God does not play dice with the universe" was a statement about quantum physics, not a statement of faith. See more...

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Sister Joan Chittister at TEDxWomen 2012

Sister Joan Chittister talks about new ideas in faith and contemporary science that are challenging the traditional hierarchical view of women's place and role in society.

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A Candid Conversation About Figuring Out Faith

We’ve all had moments when we’ve doubted our faith and lost our religion. Faith leaders Pastor Keion Henderson, Rabbi Sharon Brous, and Dr. Pamela Ayo Yetunde join Tam Fam members Nicole Queen and Bianca Bruce for an unforgettable conversation about faith and spirituality.

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Soldiers Who Have Come Under Fire Often Find God

A study of American servicemen finds that those who have experienced combat become more devout

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Doubt & Faith: A Zen Meditation

I follow a way of doubt. I follow a way of energy, sometimes even a way of wrath. But, in the last analysis I’ve found this way is one of putting down my opinions and opening up my heart.

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James Cone

James Cone was born in Fordyce, Arkansas in 1939 and grew up in the small town of Bearden. There he experienced the life-affirming community of the black Church alongside the soul-crushing reality of white racism.

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Mitch Albom

I think faith is much more of an everyday thing...Hope is faith, to me. They’re intertwined. You have to believe things can get better, and you have to believe there is a bigger force at work.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageMiracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageFaith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIf the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God’s love for us does not.

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