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The Power of an Open Question: The Buddha’s Path to Freedom

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By Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel — 2011

How do we find a resting place in a world that is complex and always changing? How do we practice spirituality beyond the limits of blind acceptance and doubt? Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel proposes that when we ask challenging questions like these, we access our deepest intelligence and most powerful... See more...

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The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society

Today, when humanity is being exposed to a variety of global crises, the need to create a new type of relationship between people is more urgent than ever before. Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony — a just society about which people have always dreamed.

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A Lamp in the Darkness: Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times

When the path ahead is dark, how can we keep from stumbling? How do we make our way with courage and dignity? “Inside each of us is an eternal light that I call ‘the One Who Knows,’ ” writes Jack Kornfield.

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A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life

Perhaps the most important book yet written on meditation, the process of inner transformation, and the integration of spiritual practice into our American way of life, A Path with Heart brings alive one by one the challenges of spiritual living in the modern world.

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A Heart as Wide as the World: Stories on the Path of Lovingkindness

The Buddhist teachings have the power to transform our lives for the better, says Sharon Salzberg, and all we need to bring about this transformation can be found in the ordinary events of our everyday experiences.

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Inner Peace