By Queen Afua — 2012
Man Heal Thy Self: Journey To Optimal Wellness, shares practical tips and tools for men to strengthen their bodes, spirits and minds.
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The New Male Sexuality addresses the most urgent questions of men today--and of the women who love them.
Over the past two decades there has been an explosion of new studies that have expanded our knowledge of how boys think and feel. In How to Raise a Boy, psychologist Michael Reichert draws on his decades of research to challenge age-old conventions about how boys become men.
In The Mask of Masculinity, Howes exposes the ultimate emptiness of the Material Mask, the man who chases wealth above all things; the cowering vulnerability that hides behind the Joker and Stoic Masks of men who never show real emotion; and the destructiveness of the Invincible and Aggressive...
The Sacred Path: The Way of the Spiritual Warrior is intended to address the issues that are the most relevant to men and those who care about men.
What does it really mean to be a man? What are some of the landmarks along the road to mature masculinity? And what of the feminine components of a man’s personality? Women do not really know as much about men as they think they do.