By Queen Afua — 2012
Man Heal Thy Self: Journey To Optimal Wellness, shares practical tips and tools for men to strengthen their bodes, spirits and minds.
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Author and activist Ted Bunch on healthy manhood and raising resilient boys. Mr. Bunch is co-founder of A Call to Men, an organization dedicated to preventing violence against women and promoting healthy manhood.
Movember ambassador and cancer survivor Ben Bowers battled testicular cancer twice—all before the age of 32. Hear about Ben’s cancer treatment, chemotherapy and how his fight led to depression and the end to his marriage.
Financial hardship often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Linda shares her experiences and insights about managing questions with employment and finances that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.
One in eight adults experience suicidal thoughts or feelings because of concerns about their body image. BBC Sport gathers together five young men for a series of honest conversations about what it’s like to be a man in 2019, and the impact that can have on their mental health.
In this podcast Dr. Elaine shares some great tips and techniques for those who identify as highly sensitive, tips for highly sensitive parents, what NOT to say to someone who is highly sensitive, the benefits of being highly sensitive, and so much more!
Mike Marjama, a catcher for the Seattle Mariners, opened up about his eating disorder in an interview with “GMA” to shed light on the issues men face with food.
For ages, people have been told to find our purpose, and that purpose will lead to a fulfilled life.
Most genetic studies completely ignore the science of epigenetics, which is how the environment actually turns certain genes on or off.
Research shows there is a ‘sweet spot’ and subjective wellbeing drops off after about five hours.
There’s a growing understanding—and resources—to allow us to take control of our minds and of our own well-being.