By Queen Afua — 2012
Man Heal Thy Self: Journey To Optimal Wellness, shares practical tips and tools for men to strengthen their bodes, spirits and minds.
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From germinating 30,000 year old seeds to the effects of Type II diabetes on the National Health Service, Dr David Reilly MD’s fast paced talk on how to unlock the potential of human healing is both fascinating and touching.
The bodies of lonely people are markedly different from the bodies of non-lonely people.
Naturopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine have many similarities as well as many differences. Both systems focus on an individualized, patient-centered approach, identify and address underlying causes of disease and symptoms, and use targeted therapeutic interventions.
Expectations surrounding Black masculinity, such as the requirement to be strong and stoic, have often prevented Black men from seeking mental health care. But it's possible to overcome this reluctance and make mental wellness a priority.
“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” ~ Bruce Lee The premise of his philosophy was efficiency—complete and utter efficiency of the soul.
When I retired from clinical practice several years ago, I let go into the unknown. I felt tentative, uncertain, yet knowing intuitively that I needed to heed the call.
After my husband died, a silly catchphrase became a lifeline for me. Instead of wishing for a reality I couldn’t have, I embraced the circumstances I was dealt.
Fatigue. Feelings of worthlessness. Loss of interest. We recognize these as classic signs of depression. But according to Terry Real, MSW, LICSW, these symptoms aren’t always the way men experience depression.
Adjusting your attitude is easier than you think.
Facebook has changed to Meta, because they're building the Metaverse. This is going to change our lives. Here's how.