By Queen Afua — 2012
Man Heal Thy Self: Journey To Optimal Wellness, shares practical tips and tools for men to strengthen their bodes, spirits and minds.
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This groundbreaking book, from one of the global innovators in the integration of brain science with psychotherapy, offers an extraordinary guide to the practice of “mindsight,” the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence.
“This book will help you flourish.” With this sentence, internationally esteemed psychologist Martin Seligman begins Flourish, his first book in ten years—and the first to present his dynamic new concept of what well-being really is.
Dr. Andrew Weil has proven that the best way to maintain optimum physical health is to draw on both conventional and alternative medicine. Now, in Spontaneous Happiness, he gives us the foundation for attaining and sustaining optimum emotional health. Rooted in Dr.
Joan Borysenko, co-founder and director of the Mind/Body Clinic at New England Deaconess Hospital/Harvard Medical School, describes the clinic’s ten-week program for learning to “mind the body” through a medical synthesis of neurology, immunology, and psychology.