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Channeling the Sacred: Activating Your Connection to Source

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By Jo Ann Levitt — 2020

More and more, people are searching for ways to explore their knowledge of the Divine. Channeling the Sacred: Activating your Connection to Source is a step-by-step guide designed to engage and deepen your relationship with Source. See more...

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Study Finds the Unexpected in the Brains of Spirit Mediums

Not-easily-explained dynamics found in the brains of experienced spirit mediums.

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Overview of the Anastasi System of Psychic Development Level 4

Introduction to Channeling & Spirit Communication, covering the ethics of channeling and mediumship, meditation and preparation styles, protection and opening techniques as well as how to channel and be a medium.

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How to Distinguish Between Your Own Thoughts and Channeling or Psychic Communication

How to distinguish your own thoughts form a channeled message. Also covering psychic and mediumship practice and figuring out if it's your own thoughts or not. Lots of love. x

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An Introduction to Telekinesis

The concept of telekinesis—the ability to use the power of thought or focused intention without any physical intervention to induce movement in objects at rest or influence the movement of objects and physical systems already in motion—is often relegated to the realm of science fiction and...

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An Introduction to Telepathy

Telepathy has not been conclusively proven, nor has it been disproven. While there is no room for the concept of telepathy in classical Newtonian physics, quantum physics does not discount the possibility.

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Psychic Protection Masterclass for Experienced Practitioners and Beginners — Insights and Exercises

This Psychic Protection class (based on the bestselling book 'Psychic Protection') is for experienced practitioners and beginners. Filled with practical exercises and great insights, it will help you maintain your strength and centre in disturbing vibrations.

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Wherever You Turn Is the Face of God -- Camille Helminski

'Wherever You Turn Is the Face of God' -- talk by Camille Helminski, taken at the Baraka Retreat 2011

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Illuminated by Love: An Interview with Author Camille Helminski

The co-founder of the Threshold Society, an educational foundation rooted in the Mevlevi tradition of Sufism, author and translator Camille Helminski’s books include The Book of Nature, The Light of Dawn, and The Rumi Collection.

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The Faceted Gem of Wisdom

Beloved you have created everything with the Truth. So let me enter whatever I enter with the Truth, and make my going forth with the Truth. Whoever begins with Truth, ends with Truth.

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The Qualitative Science of the Heart: Kabir Helminski

Sufism is a discipline, a methodology, for enhancing and refining spiritual perception. The human being has a range of subtle faculties for knowing, the totality of which we can call the spiritual heart. The science of the heart is a science of qualities, not quantities.

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