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Spiritual Compass: The Three Qualities of Life

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By Satish Kumar, Deepak Chopra (preface), Peter Russell (foreword) — 2016

In our modern, materialistic world it is easy to separate spirituality from everyday life. But spirituality is not just for saints, neither is it confined to the Sunday Service, Friday prayers, or holy books. See more...

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Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet

The book will appeal most to people who realize that they are “tree people.” It is poetic, educational, inspirational, spiritual, and down to earth, covering the subject of trees from anatomy and physiology to trees as archetypal and sacred symbols.

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Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives

Myths are fascinating stories that become even more intriguing when we realize that they can reveal intimate truths about ourselves and others. Jean Shinoda Bolen brings the Greek pantheon to life as our inner archetypes and applies the power of myth to our personal lives.

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