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Break Through with Breathwork: Jump-Starting Personal Growth in Counseling and the Healing Arts

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By Jim Morningstar — 2017

When working with trauma and chronic health issues, it can often seem like the healing process gets stuck or is producing only minimal progress. See more...

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The Anatomy of Hope: How People Prevail in the Face of Illness

Why do some people find and sustain hope during difficult circumstances, while others do not? What can we learn from those who do, and how is their example applicable to our own lives? The Anatomy of Hope is a journey of inspiring discovery, spanning some thirty years of Dr.

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Close to the Bone: Life-Threatening Illness as a Soul Journey

This is a book for any person who is living with a life-threatening illness and for anyone who is caring for and/or loves a person who is ill. Bolen affirms that the price of going into the scary places, of feeling like a piece of green meat on a hook, is high, but worth it. We have no choice.

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Sound Mind, Sound Body: A New Model for Lifelong Health

In this dramatic new approach to understanding personal health, Dr. Pelletier shows how lifelong good health is far more dependent on a positive, purposeful life orientation than on aerobic workouts and rigid low-fat diets.

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