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Wake Up Before Your Wake-Up Call: The Five Pillars for Deeper Love, Joy, and Connection in Midlife

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By Toni Parker — 2019

Do you wake up most mornings and go along with the day as usual, taking for granted that things will unfold the way they always have? Do you go through your days on autopilot, with no real thought that something life-changing could happen at any moment? By the time we reach our middle years, many... See more...

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No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America

When Darnell Moore was fourteen, three boys from his neighborhood tried to set him on fire. They cornered him while he was walking home from school, harassed him because they thought he was gay, and poured a jug of gasoline on him. He escaped, but just barely.

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Black Skin, White Masks

Few modern voices have had as profound an impact on the black identity and critical race theory as Frantz Fanon, and Black Skin, White Masks represents some of his most important work.

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Self-Portrait in Black and White: Family, Fatherhood, and Rethinking Race

The son of a “black” father and a “white” mother, Thomas Chatterton Williams found himself questioning long-held convictions about race upon the birth of his blond-haired, blue-eyed daughter―and came to realize that these categories cannot adequately capture either of them, or anyone else.

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Wake-Up Calls