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Humility Is the New Smart: Rethinking Human Excellence in the Smart Machine Age

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By Edward Hess, Katherine Ludwig — 2020

Your job is at risk—if not now, then soon. We are on the leading edge of a Smart Machine Age led by artificial intelligence that will be as transformative for us as the Industrial Revolution was for our ancestors. See more...

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Give Yourself Permission to Feel with Ashley Bernardi

What if you allowed yourself to truly FEEL? Whether it’s grief, despair, or anxiety, society will always find a way to label feelings as “messy.” But burying these emotions only leads to greater emotional upheaval.

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Wim Hof: The Man and the Method

Your breathing rate and pattern is a process within the autonomic nervous system that you can control to some extent to achieve different results.

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The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing.

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