By Publications International Ltd. — 2019
An encyclopedia of rocks and minerals that classifies and explains the physical, spiritual, and healing properties of 95 colored stones.
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Build a Reliable System of Inner Wisdom Using Your Energy Body This remarkable book makes it easy to receive intuitive guidance whenever you wish, be confident in your answers to life's big questions, and follow your inner wisdom to happiness and success.
Focusing on the wealth of information emerging in the area of energy medicine, this unique resource explores mechanisms by which mind and body processes influence the body's healing and performance potential.
Cyndi Dale's New Chakra Healing established a new standard for healers, intuitives, and energy workers worldwide. It expanded the seven-chakra system to thirty-two, including twenty spiritual points serving as catalysts for dynamic change.
Renowned author Cyndi Dale invites you into the world of subtle energy, where you'll explore auras, chakras, intuition, and the basics of her groundbreaking energy techniques.