By Publications International Ltd. — 2019
An encyclopedia of rocks and minerals that classifies and explains the physical, spiritual, and healing properties of 95 colored stones.
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A healer removes the pain of a broken wrist in fifteen minutes. Another removes an ovarian tumor in a couple of weeks. Still another, from thousands of miles away, regenerates the nerves of an injured spine for a patient on whom the doctors had given up.
As Dr. Norm Shealy puts it, Energy Medicine is the future of our health.
Ethical principles are far more than mere rules or regulations - they are maps for bringing out your best as a caregiver and healer.
In this book, Shannon McRae, a gifted clairvoyant and healer, weaves case stories with cutting-edge science to describe her remarkable work with clients at the cellular level, from healing a headache and repairing an eardrum to removing cancer and alleviating depression.
A Beginners guide to healing body and mind with energy Energy Healing is a practical guide to the unique and powerful art of restoring energy through the body to promote physical health, healing, and wellness.
Heidi Light, a family counselor and certified hypnotherapist, asserts that we are in desperate need of guidance and standards so that we can approach the world of intuition, energy, and mysticism from a healthy and respectful place.
Focusing on the wealth of information emerging in the area of energy medicine, this unique resource explores mechanisms by which mind and body processes influence the body's healing and performance potential.
Linnie Thomas has boldly stepped forth to announce to the world that the time has come to take Energy Medicine quite seriously.
Now he shows how to put this new way of thinking into practical use, describing the role of consciousness and "thought forms," as well as the benefits of homeopathy, acupuncture, color and light healing, magneto biology, and other therapies. A traditionally trained physician, Dr.
What is it that makes yoga practitioners feel so good after a session―more so than after other kinds of exercise or stretching? "Yoga was created to directly stimulate and move us at the energetic level," teaches Lauren Walker.