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A Companion for the Hospice Journey: Thoughts on Life’s Tough Decisions

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By Larry Patten — 2019

Any discussion about hospice includes the words most prefer to avoid or ignore: dying, death, and grief. In A Companion for the Hospice Journey, readers are invited into that uncomfortable subject. Nearly half of the deaths in the United States (in 2017, over 2. See more...

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Death Without Denial, Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss

When former Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts’ husband, State Senator Frank Roberts, was dying from lung cancer, she had to look inside of herself as well as beyond herself to find ways to survive what felt unbearable.

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Departing with Dignity: A Hospice Guide to Symptom Management for Patients, Families and Caregivers

Facing the prospect of losing a loved one is agonizing. Feeling that you are facing this situation alone and not knowing what to expect can be terrifying. Hospice is here to help, not just your loved one, but you and all who will be assisting in their care.

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Navigating Grief with Humor

Grief hits us all. Death, divorce, a broken childhood, a job loss, the loss of identity, or the loss of a dream can bring us each deep grief. This book reveals what we can do to work through the tasks of grief with resilience, coping, humor, and purpose.

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Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings

From the revered meditation teacher Stephen Levine, here is a volume of guided meditations for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body.

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Life After Loss: Conquering Grief and Finding Hope

A unique approach to understanding and overcoming grief. Bestselling author Raymond Moody and his colleague Dianne Arcangel show how the grieving process can transform our fear and grief into spiritual and emotional growth.

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Death and Dying