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‘We are God’s and God is Ours’: Ghazals of Yunus Emre

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By Yunus Emre, Paul Smith (translator) — 2018

Yunus Emre (d. 1320) is considered one of the most important Turkish poets having a great influence on Turkish literature from his own time until today. His poems concern divine love as well as human love of the Divine as God and the Perfect Master, Beloved, Friend and human destiny and weakness. See more...

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Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988–2000

Clifton’s poems owe a great deal to oral tradition. Her work is wonderfully musical and benefits greatly from being read aloud: “It is hard to remain human on a day/ when birds perch weeping/ in the trees and the squirrel eyes/ do not look away but the dog ones do/ in pity.

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