For most of us, the journey of the soul from death to birth is determined mainly by our karma―the actions we perform in the interval between birth and death. That is why the key to unveiling the mystery of rebirth and reincarnation is understanding karma and its effect on our mind and consciousness. This understanding in turn brightens our knowledge of how we can eventually become the creators of our destiny rather than its products.
Through a series of lively stories drawn from the ancient scriptures and his own experience, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait reveals the truth about karma, how we create it, why it becomes our destiny, and how we can use it to shape the future of our dreams. From Death to Birth will give you insight into life's most perplexing questions, such as:
What happens when we die?
How does our present life shape our future?
What part of us survives death?
Learn how karma affects us here in this life, and as we progress through death into life again.