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Everyday Enlightenment

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By Dan Millman — 2016

On the Journey of Life, Do You Sometimes Wish You Had a Map? You now hold such a map in your hands-a guide through the twelve gateways of personal growth to the summit of your potential. See more...

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Love, No Matter What | Andrew Solomon

What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents—asking them: What’s the line between...

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Diamond Approach Inquiry: Discovering Inner Freedom

We can temporarily push our ego away or try to rearrange our personality to be happier, freer, or more realized. But ego comes back. And that’s where Diamond Approach inquiry comes in. We all have awareness and inquiry helps us harness awareness to dissolve ego instead of pushing it away.

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