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Everyday Enlightenment

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By Dan Millman — 2016

On the Journey of Life, Do You Sometimes Wish You Had a Map? You now hold such a map in your hands-a guide through the twelve gateways of personal growth to the summit of your potential. See more...

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Bradshaw On: The Eight Stages of Man (1982) E5: Don’t Start the Crisis Without Me!

Episode Five: Don’t Start The Crisis Without Me. Psychologist/Theologian John Bradshaw traces human life through eight stages of psychosocial development (based on the works of Erik Erikson) focusing on the ego needs and strengths of each stage.

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There’s More to Life than Being Happy—Emily Esfahani Smith

Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there’s a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life—serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you—gives you something to hold onto.

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Racing into the Future

While we too often and too loudly insist that race does not matter, there is a growing body of research that shows race impacts many of our decisions (many with deadly consequences), and that implicit bias and racial anxiety are likely to be greater for those who cling to the belief of a colorblind...

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Gordon Neufeld: Making Sense of Anxiety in Children and Youth

Dr. Gordon Neufeld speaks at The Dalai Lama Center about Anxiety in Children and Youth.

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Obama’s People and the African Americans: The Language of Othering

To the list of identities Black people in America have assumed or been asked to, we can now add, thanks to this presidential election season, “Obama’s people” and “the African Americans.”

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