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How to Heal Yourself from Depression When No One Else Can: A Self-Guided Program to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t

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By Amy B. Scher — 2021

An internationally recognized energy therapist brings her accessible approach to helping anyone struggling with depression to reclaim a joyful life. When we’re depressed we do a bunch of things to help ourselves feel better. See more...

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Timeless Healing—The Power and Biology of Belief

In this life-changing book, Dr. Herbert Benson draws on his twenty-five years as a physician and researcher to reveal how affirming beliefs, particularly belief in a higher power, make an important contribution to our physical health.

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Relaxation Revolution: The Science and Genetics of Mind Body Healing

In the 1970s, Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School ushered in a new era of understanding in the field of mind body medicine. Coining the term “relaxation response,” Dr.

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Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being

"You are not simply the sum total of the genes you were born with," write Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi. "You are the user and controller of your genes, the author of your biological story. No prospect in self-care is more exciting.

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Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine (Revised and Updated)

More than twenty-five years ago, Quantum Healing helped transform Deepak Chopra into a cultural phenomenon. Now Dr.

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