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How to Heal Yourself from Depression When No One Else Can: A Self-Guided Program to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t

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By Amy B. Scher — 2021

An internationally recognized energy therapist brings her accessible approach to helping anyone struggling with depression to reclaim a joyful life. When we’re depressed we do a bunch of things to help ourselves feel better. See more...

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The Van Gogh Blues: The Creative Person’s Path Through Depression

Creative people will experience depression—that’s a given. It’s a given because they are regularly confronted by doubts about the meaningfulness of their efforts. Theirs is a kind of depression that does not respond to pharmaceutical treatment.

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Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life

Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, finding flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives.

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