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Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse

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By Jackson MacKenzie — 2019

Jackson MacKenzie has helped millions of people in their struggle to understand the experience of toxic relationships. His first book, Psychopath Free, explained how to identify and survive the immediate situation. See more...

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Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Filled with secrets from a therapist’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.

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War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation’s Veterans from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

War and PTSD are on the public’s mind as news stories regularly describe insurgency attacks in Iraq and paint grim portraits of the lives of returning soldiers afflicted with PTSD.

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The End of Trauma: How the New Science of Resilience Is Changing How We Think About PTSD

A top expert on human trauma argues that we vastly overestimate how common PTSD is and fail to recognize how resilient people really are. After 9/11, mental health professionals flocked to New York to handle what everyone assumed would be a flood of trauma cases. Oddly, the flood never came.

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The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery

This is a book about self-sabotage. Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good.Coexisting but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviors. This is why we resist efforts to change, often until they feel completely futile.

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What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road, and What Happened to You? provides powerful scientific and emotional insights into the behavioral patterns so many of us struggle to understand.

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The Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook: Practical Mind-Body Tools to Heal Trauma, Foster Resilience and Awaken Your Potential

Traumatic life experiences can be devastating and they inevitably shape who you are. Such events can also become a powerful force that awakens you to an undercurrent of your own aliveness. Trauma recovery involves learning to trust in your capacity for new growth.

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I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t): Making the Journey from “What Will People Think?” to “I Am Enough”

The quest for perfection is exhausting and unrelenting. There is a constant barrage of social expectations that teach us that being imperfect is synonymous with being inadequate. Everywhere we turn, there are messages that tell us who, what and how we’re supposed to be.

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Emotional Equations: Simple Steps for Creating Happiness + Success in Business + Life

When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...

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On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life

In the bestselling tradition of Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly and Nick Vujicic’s Life Without Limits comes a rousing 7-step plan for living a life on fire, filled with hope and possibility—from an inspirational speaker who survived a near-fatal fire at the age of nine and now runs a successful...

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Your Hidden Superpowers: How the Whole Truth of Failure Can Change Our Lives

Dr. Becca North rewrites the story we tell ourselves about failure. She puts forth a captivating vision of how shifting our view of failure would change how we lead our lives, yielding profound benefits for us as individuals and as a society.

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Emotional and Mental Health