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The Year 1: Global Process Work: Community Creation from Global Problems, Tensions and Myths

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By Arnold Mindell — 2019

This book is an extension of the author’s therapeutic work with the concept of the dreambody. Just as the unconscious, or ‘dreambody,’ signals its problems (and solutions) in dreams and in the body, so the collective unconscious of the planet does the same. See more...

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Megan Rapinoe Calls Out Sports Illustrated During Speech

Megan Rapinoe calls out Sports Illustrated; Rick Strom breaks it down.

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Gloria Steinem in Conversation

Gloria Steinem has been called the ‘world’s most famous feminist’.

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“Psychological Abuse Exists Everywhere.”

Sherin Khankan, 45, is Denmark’s first female Imam and the founder of Exitcircle, an NGO for victims of psychological abuse.

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Community Transformation and Healing