By Pope Benedict XVI — 2012
Pope Benedict XVI focuses on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life as a child.
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With the publication of his two early works, Black Theology & Black Power (1969) and A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), James Cone emerged as one of the most creative and provocative theological voices in North America.
Howard Thurman, minister, philosopher, civil rights activist, has been called ‘one of the greatest spiritual resources of this nation.’ His encounters with Gandhi in India helped instill his commitment to nonviolence. This book features some of his writings.
In Tempations of Jesus, Howard Thurman takes us to the wilderness. With Jesus, we face the Tempter's challenges. We rejoice in the choices Jesus makes, in his insistence on doing God's will, and we pray for his guidance as we face the dilemmas of our own lives.
Meditations by Howard Thurman on timeless religious themes: A Sense of History, A Sense of Self, A Sense of Presence, and For the Quiet. Originally written for the bulletin at the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples in San Francisco.
Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was one of the finest thinkers and most influential preachers of his era. Yet Thurman's importance goes well beyond his influence on Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the freedom struggle.