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The Phosphorous Grove: Aflame with Love Upon the Witch’s Tree

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By Christopher Penczak — 2017

In The Phosphorous Grove, author Christopher Penczak offers a series of visionary meditations on the spheres and paths of the Qabalah from a modern witch’s perspective. Filled with powerful imagery, this work holds insights for new and longtime students of the occult alike.

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Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work: Seven Spiritual Practices for a Scientific Age

Scientist and spiritual explorer Rupert Sheldrake looks at seven spiritual practices that are personally transformative and have scientifically measurable effects.

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Psychology and Kabbalah

In this book both kabbalistic and modern psychological models are used to describe the psyche and its place in the universe. The issue of consciousness is crucial in the process of development from the level of the ego to individuation and beyond.

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