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The Phosphorous Grove: Aflame with Love Upon the Witch’s Tree

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By Christopher Penczak — 2017

In The Phosphorous Grove, author Christopher Penczak offers a series of visionary meditations on the spheres and paths of the Qabalah from a modern witch’s perspective. Filled with powerful imagery, this work holds insights for new and longtime students of the occult alike.

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Wicca for Life: The Way of the Craft—From Birth to Summerland

Wicca for Life presents a comprehensive guide to Wicca for both established followers and newcomers to the Craft, designed to carry the modern Witch through every season and aspect of life.

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The Mighty Dead: Communing with the Ancestors of Witchcraft

The Mighty Dead, the Hidden Company, the Secret Chiefs, the Withdrawn Order, the Inner Plane Adepts, the Masters, the Bodhisattva and the Saints - all names for the enlightened dead who guide the spiritual traditions and evolution of humanity through the mysteries.

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Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft

Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world.

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