This book is a presentation of not only the life and accomplishments of Maimonides/Rambam (1135–1204) but for the very first time offers a most accurate insight into the true thinking of this towering mind, IN HIS VERY OWN WORDS. The core of this book is all Maimonides OWN WORDS, on the topic of Ethics, Morals, and Values, gathered from what HE considered, his most monumental accomplishment, the 14 volume, Mishneh Torah—Yad Hachazakah. Maimonides was the greatest Jewish philosopher and legal scholar of the medieval period. He was an astronomer, physician, mathematician, logician, leader, Rabbi, father, brother, husband, son, world traveler, historian—and outstanding mind, an exceptional human being. Maimonides had a significant influence on both the Christian and as well the Moslem faith. Maimonides was more than a colossal genius; he was literally a Godly man.