By Isadore Twersky (editor) — 1972
English text of Maimonides Guide of the Perplexed, Mishneh Torah and others with intro and notes by Isadore Twersky
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For twenty-five years, Rabbi Harold Kushner served as the congregational rabbi of Temple Israel in Natick, Massachusetts, speaking each week with understanding and compassion to his congregants.
Drawing on the Bible, Talmud, and Midrashic sources, the author traces the Jewish search for God through language.
In a work of remarkable clarity and wisdom, Rabbi Wolpe confronts a central dilemma of modern Judaism, combining his deep knowledge of ancient tradition with modern sensibilities to show contemporary Jews that God still speaks to them--to their daily struggles, angers, fears, and needs, offering...
Many parents find it easier to talk to their children about sex and other intimate matters than to answer questions about God, prayer, good, and evil. In fact, parents may feel they don't know the answers to such questions for themselves, much less for their young children.
This companion volume to Man Is Not Alone discusses not man's search for God but God's for man--the notion of a chosen people, an idea which, he writes, "signifies not a quality inherent in the people but a relationship between the people and God."