By Isadore Twersky (editor) — 1972
English text of Maimonides Guide of the Perplexed, Mishneh Torah and others with intro and notes by Isadore Twersky
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This volume contains the complete texts of two books by America’s most important psychologist and philosopher.
The aim of The Japanese Art of Reiki is to offer those interested in the system of Reiki, and those already practicing it, greater depth and understanding of Reiki's roots from a Japanese perspective.
Few philosophers have had a more profound influence on the course of modern philosophy than Bertrand Russell. The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell is a comprehensive anthology of Russell’s most definitive essays written between 1903 and 1959.
Hailed as “lucid and magisterial” by The Observer, this book is universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject of Western philosophy.
Metaphysics: The Fundamentals presents readers with a systematic, comprehensive introductory overview of modern analytic metaphysics.
Living a Jewish Life describes Judaism as not just a contemplative or abstract system of thought but as a blueprint for living fully and honorably. This new edition builds on the classic guide, which has been a favorite among Jewish educators and students for years.
You’ll find everything you need to know about being Jewish in this indispensable, revised and updated guide to the religious traditions, everyday practices, philosophical beliefs, and historical foundations of Judaism.
Norman Solomon's succinct book is an ideal introduction to Judaism as a religion and way of life.
Exploring the Philosophy of Death and Dying: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives is the first book to offer students the full breadth of philosophical issues that are raised by the end of life.
"In her book, From Quantum Physics to Energy Healing – A Physicist’s Journey to Mind and Healing, Dr. Johanna Blomqvist provides a stimulating and informative introduction to the phenomenon of anomalous energy healing, along with the story of her own journey of exploration.