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Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity

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By Saundra Dalton-Smith — 2019

How can you keep your energy, happiness, creativity, and relationships fresh and thriving in the midst of never-ending family demands, career pressures, and the stress of everyday life? In Sacred Rest, Dr. See more...

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Ant Clemons on BIPOC Men’s Mental Health

The Jed Foundation (JED) exists to protect the emotional well-being of our nation’s 75 million teens and young adults and prevent suicide.

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Mental Health Is Declining and Black Women Are Hit the Hardest | Keita Joy | TEDxBeaconStreet

Did you know that in the United States, over 10.3 million adults have serious thoughts of suicide and/or battle with mental health struggles privately while continuing to produce and perform publicly? Imagine living with a constant, lingering private struggle, while performing in front of the world.

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104 – How to Choose Progress over Perfection with Peloton Instructor Ally Love

Ally Love is the in-arena host of the Brooklyn Nets, and she’s a Peloton instructor. Ally’s successful career path has taught her that it’s important to value progress over perfection.

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Michael Phelps: ‘I Can’t See Any More Suicides’

In the documentary “The Weight of Gold,” Phelps presents a stark picture of the mental wear and tear Olympians endure.

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Naomi Osaka Shouldn’t Feel Pressured to Rush Return to Tennis

Osaka’s mental health challenges are nothing new in her isolating sport. What is new is the acceptance she’ll face—and the paths back—if she takes a prolonged break.

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Naomi Osaka: ‘It’s O.K. Not to Be O.K.’

In the past few weeks, my journey took an unexpected path but one that has taught me so much and helped me grow. I learned a couple of key lessons.

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Male Depression and Anxiety in Athletes

Michael Phelps, the most decorated athlete in Olympic history with 28 medals, has acknowledged that after the 2012 games, his longtime depression was so overwhelming he thought about killing himself.

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Why It Matters that More Athletes Are Talking about Their Mental Health

Experts I spoke with for this story pointed to a couple of reasons professional athletes are particularly susceptible to mental health issues.

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