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Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery

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By A. H. Almaas — 2011

The final volume in A. H. Almaas’ masterwork on the contemporary spiritual path known as the Diamond Approach. From one perspective, we can see ourselves merely as human beings struggling in a crowded and chaotic world of suffering. See more...

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The Alchemy of Freedom: The Philosophers’ Stone and the Secrets of Existence

Well-known spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas uses the metaphor of the mysterious philosophers’ stone to discuss a tremendous liberating power that leads to endless enlightenment.

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No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth

A simple yet comprehensive guide to the types of psychologies and therapies available from Eastern and Western sources. Each chapter includes a specific exercise designed to help the reader understand the nature and practice of the specific therapies.

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Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Filled with secrets from a therapist’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.

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The Art of Impossible : A Peak Performance Primer

Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more...

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Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

Self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seek psychotherapy. It is a poison, preventing us from achieving the love, success and happiness we want in our lives.

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The Power of Character Strengths: Appreciate and Ignite Your Positive Personality

Carry this book in your back pocket. Let it become your faithful friend that nudges you, at every point in your journey, to unlock your potential.

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The Enlightenment Process: A Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening (Revised and Expanded)

The Enlightenment Process describes the process of enlightenment as the gradual realization of our most subtle dimension of unified, all-pervasive consciousness.

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The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy

A framework for personal development, The School of Greatness gives you the tools, knowledge, and actionable resources you need to reach your potential.

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Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World

Integral Spirituality is being widely called the most important book on spirituality in our time.

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Diamond Approach