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The Space Between: The Point of Connection

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By Harville Hendrix, Helen LaKelly Hunt — 2017

This book unveils the secret to recovering full aliveness and experiencing the joy and wonder that belongs to every human being. It is in understanding that there is a space between two people, and how those two people learn to care for the space between determines the quality of their relationship. See more...

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Glad No Matter What: Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity

Though SARK has empowered millions to live their creative dreams, manage their businesses, and savor personal connections, the deaths of her mother and cat and the end of a treasured relationship tested her ability to walk her talk.

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Actualizations: You Don’t Have to Rehearse to Be Yourself

Stewart Emery was one of the first people to lead EST training, and one of the founders of Actualizations, a supportive and loving workshop that helps people establish joyful relationships in their lives.

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Rock the Boat: How to Use Conflict to Heal and Deepen Your Relationship

Conflict is a natural part of any intimate relationship. Yet most couples either avoid it or try to smooth over their differences. Either way, integrity is compromised and growth is stunted.

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Relationship Challenges