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The Zimzum of Love: A New Way of Understanding Marriage

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By Rob Bell, Kristen Bell — 2014

Rob and Kristen Bell introduce a startling new way of looking at marriage, The Zimzum of Love. Zimzum is a Hebrew term where God, in order to have a relationship with the world, contracts, creating space for the creation to exist. See more...

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HSPs in Relationships - Elaine Aron, PhD

HSPs come in different flavors: 70% are introverts, 30% are extraverts, and then there are sensation seekers. Here is how these differences affect your relationships.

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15 Things You Should Know If You Love a Highly Sensitive Person

Here are the things you should know if you love a highly sensitive person! Because loving highly sensitive people is not an average experience. HSP’s need to be loved differently than others.

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