By M. Scott Peck (editor and commentator) — 2000
New Insights and Wisdom from the World-Renowned Author of The Road Less Traveled! For over two decades, Dr. M. Scott Peck has educated and inspired countless people through his life-changing writings on spiritual growth. See more...
New Insights and Wisdom from the World-Renowned Author of The Road Less Traveled! For over two decades, Dr. M. Scott Peck has educated and inspired countless people through his life-changing writings on spiritual growth. Now he presents us with a remarkable new series of thought-provoking essays and a personally selected collection of quotations on twelve key virtues that speak to the heart of the human condition. As Dr. Peck writes, "This is an anthology of wisdom. To some indefinable extent, like the other virtues, wisdom is a gift. Certain people seem to be almost born with an instinct for wisdom. On the other hand, I also believe that wisdom can be learned, but only by thinking about the challenges and experiences of our lives." Certainly, Abounding Grace will make you think. It will make you laugh. It will bring you a new appreciation of your existence. And, in the end, it will give you a great gift: the capacity to perceive as gifts your own virtues and the other blessings of your life.